Coronavirus: JP Rata Ltd supporting you during Covid-19

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We are living and working in unprecedented times. I know that it is a worrying time for many; professionally and personally. The last thing that you need in the current climate as a business owner is unnecessary concern or unanswered questions about your finances. To reassure you, the JP Rata team are providing our usual level of high service from the safety of our own homes.

We closed our Taunton office on 16 March 2020 when the government requested that the nation stop non-essential contact with others and that businesses work from home where possible. In fact, we moved some of our team to home working two weeks earlier in preparation. We started planning for a national lockdown at the start of February and tested our systems to ensure that you, our clients, won’t experience any difference in our service.

Our focus now is to help our clients to stay strong. We’ll be calling each and every one of our clients to check in with you. We want to understand your concerns and answer any questions as they come up.

We have also started a ‘fair billing’ review to ensure that our clients are only paying for the services that they are using and are in a position to pay for. This includes those of you who are paying monthly towards annual services.

Our team are doing well and my focus is on keeping them safe. We closed early to ensure this, acting before the government requested it, because it felt like the right thing to do.

As always, we are here if you need us so contact us however you would normally. Although our office address is closed until further notice, our office number is diverting and the team are picking up calls and emails in the usual way.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch and don’t struggle alone – we are here to support you.

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